Monday Morning Quotes

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Since 1998 I've been sending out these reflections first thing each week--one or more quotes plus my thoughts about the intersections and contradictions. They're archived here back to 2002, and a new one is posted every Monday morning. Dialogue is still welcome . . .

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Quote #1130 - #JustWhelmed

15 Apr, 2024


"She is my prize, or ocean whelm them all!"
William Shakespeare

"But in pursuit of those far mysteries we dream of, or in tormented chase of that demon phantom that, some time or other, swims before all human hearts; while chasing such over this round globe, they either lead us on in barren mazes or midway leave us whelmed."
Herman Melville

"The core of being overwhelmed is fear--being afraid of the unknown and lacking confidence in our abilities to deal with the unexplored and unfamiliar."
Mark Weaver

We never use the word "whelm" anymore
and yet the (now archaic) word itself means engulfed, submerged,
Can you be over-submerged?
more buried than buried?
Isn't being whelmed itself enough
to give pause?

I am just whelmed.

And when I am whelmed--
when I'm not sure what I can do
or how to proceed--
or worse, I can't find the desire to even try--
I just have to let it wash over me
like the ocean,
consume me
like the fire,
bury me
like the earth,
for just a little while.

It always feels like it will be forever,
but it never is.

Just whelmed.
Just awhile.

Then I can remember how to find a way--
break it down into
little pieces
start somewhere
keep going
until a path emerges
and I find my footing again.

Shellen Lubin
April 15, 2024

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